Tuesday, July 7, 2015


I did graduate high school, and as such this blog is no longer a homework assignment. Nevertheless I plan to continue. Ideas for future posts include:
a) Pictures and descriptions of pieces I've been talking about for months but have yet to complete.
b) Images and thoughts of sculptural or practical pieces I see in the world or in museums.
c) Random ideas and sketches.
d) Thoughts and interesting points relating to the studio elective I'm starting at SAIC this fall: Intro to designed objects.
e) Further research and admiration of the greats!
f) Maybe a peek into some of my other projects? Some 2D stuff?
For sure I'll go in and out in terms of posting, particularly once school starts, but I'll be in Spain for ten days this month, and am sure to come home with quite a lot to say about the architecture there, which, I didn't realize until my research began, is just really large scale furniture design.

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